Interview w/ Former President and discussion on the Declaration of Sovereign Intent & Proclamation of Claim and Interest of the Republic for the United States of America. Features James Turner, our first President and current Attorney General. This is a MUST SEE for all Officers and County Leaders.
(Recorded Mid-August, 2024)
*Sovereign Freedom is our birthright… Upholding it is our Eternal responsibility.
*Sovereign Redneck Renegade | Great Minds By Design | Great American Hicks, is a Sacred Inner-Space for our Divine Sisters and Brothers of LIGHT, to gather together in the name, body, and the collective consciousness, of THE LIGHT & LOVE OF INFINITE ETERNAL PRIME-CREATOR GOD-SOURCE.
As Eternal Guardian Warriors of Light within The Eternal Holy Order of Melchizedek and the KRYSTOS Guardian Alliance, we are doing our part, to help bring the ‘Darkness’ into ‘LIGHT’ and “Real Truth” requires leaving the comfort of false belief behind.
(WARNING) – The content of this “program” may expand your mind, consciousness and liberate your souls. We encourage you to please consult a mainstream expert, before consuming any of this material. Side effects may include seeing life as it really is, questioning everything, and a sense of wonderment (as you see the world with new eyes).
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To learn more about managing your county assembly or your online meetings head over to the Academy page.
Head over to the Business Plan for All States page to read up on how to quickly and lawfully raise your county assembly and to get the latest information we have posted.