Now, it’s time for your Schooling.
It will only take a couple of hours.
Work at your own pace.
Spotting Personalities – Link
15 minutes to take the test first.
60 Minutes total for the 4 Seminars.
Repeat the seminars the next day for What you missed.
It’s best if you watch with your partner because the more you talk & use it, the more you are able to predict behaviors.
Project Management – Outline For Success – PDF
This Intensive 40 hour book that has been reduced down to 30 Minutes.
Print and Laminate the Outline on pages 3 & 4 and review it Daily.
Open Bar, dress casual, no ties allowed.
Meet & Greet Mixer – Contact
Note Taking at Meetings – PDF
Interviewing – YouTube
(Source: The Official MBA Handbook)